
Bahco CS400 400mm Combination Square

SKU: 901768
Est. £19.99 - £19.99  + VAT
Sliding combination square, with metric and imperial marking on ruler

Product Description

Bahco CS400 Combination Square 40cm (16in)

Bahco sliding combination square, with metric and imperial marking on ruler. Can mark 90° and 45° with adjustable depth for repetition marking and scribing. The built in level bubble for approximate marking and has a metal scriber contained in the end.


Product Specification

Product NameBahco CS400 Combination Square
Size40cm (16in)
Metric MarkingYes
Imperial MarkingYes
Marking Angles90° and 45°
DepthAdjustable for repetition marking and scribing
Level BubbleYes, for approximate marking
Metal ScriberContained in the end