Flexible WC Connector (Qty.10)

SKU: 115856
Est. £14.56 - £16.18  + VAT
A ten-pack of Flexible WC Connectors that adhere to the German DIN 1389:2000-05 standard, providing reliability and compliance. Verified by international bodies such as the German LGA (Certificate Number 0120208-02), these connectors effectively prevent sediment build-up. Despite the lack of specific British Standards, their quality checks ensure efficient performance.

Product Description

This pack of 10 Flexible WC Connectors offers practicality and compliance. While there aren't specific British Standards for this type of product, these connectors adhere to the German DIN 1389:2000-05 standard. Thoroughly verified by international testing houses including the German LGA under Certificate Number 0120208-02, they prove successful at preventing sediment build-up. These comprehensive checks assure that these WC connectors will serve their purpose efficiently.

Product Specification

BrandsMcAlpine, Polypipe, FloPlast, Brett Martin, Osma, Hep2O
Width (mm)150
Fitment ShapeFlexibles