Balloon Grating 110mm Black

SKU: 101373
Est. £12.70 - £14.11  + VAT
The 110mm Balloon Grating is a versatile PVC-U soil system part, optimal for sanitary waste disposal. Great for use with 110mm pipes and available in multiple sizes and colours to ensure flexibility and compatibility. Includes bird and debris protection features and allows for push-fit and solvent weld joints for easy installation.

Product Description

This product is a 110mm Balloon Grating, available in a sleek black finish. It is a PVC-U soil system component, optimised for sanitary waste disposal. Suitable for use with 110mm pipes, this grating offers a versatile solution to prevent birds from nesting over the pipe, keeping areas clean by shielding against debris. It comes with an interference fit installation method, and is available in various colours and sizes, encouraging compatibility and flexibility. Plus, it supports both push-fit and solvent weld joints for a stress-free fitting experience.

Product Specification

BrandsMarley, FloPlast, Brett Martin, Hunter, Wavin, Osma, Polypipe
Width (mm)90
Length (mm)120
Diameter (mm)110
Depth (mm)120